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Artists Statement

A graduate in English and Fine Art from the University of Chester, I have been involved in several open exhibitions, selected for a graduate show at Weston Park Granary Art Gallery, Shropshire and prepared work for my end of year degree show.

I work in number of different mediums from paint to sculpture and have great influence from artists such as Kiefer, Rauchenberg, Jenny Saville, Anish Kapoor and Judy Pfaff. My work concerns itself primarily with abstraction, the found object, the boundary between painting and sculpture and material. Whilst expanding these ideas further, it has led to the exploration of colour, texture space and composition.

My work and decisions evolve as I create, therefore the work is always open to interpretation; the works become a conundrum which holds people's attention.
For enquiries email: kathrynwilshercreative@gmail.com

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